توجيهات تربوية


توجيهات تربوية
توجيهات تربوية
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توجيهات تربوية

How to write a simple paragraph

"How to write a simple  paragraph?"

Most of student have thes problem and when they be asked to write it they get bored and lazy so each student have a reasing for that , some of them loses his power to do it and the other blame the teacher for evrey thing.
Today I'm going to tell you how to write a paragraph easly and with a simple steps so please follow me :
First of all you should know what is the composits of it :
There are generally four types of sentences in well-written paragraphs .
Each type of sntence has a diffrent function .
A- there are sentences wich focus on the general / main idea of the paragraph as a whole . this type of sentences is called the topic sentence .
B- There are sentences wich give details to support / develop the general idea mades in  the topic sentence . these sentences are called supporting sentences .
C- There are sentences that provide a smooth transition from one idea to another . they are called transitional sentences .
D- There are sentences wich support the new idea .
E- There are sentences wich ligically conclude the ideas discused in the paragraph . they are called concluding sentences .

Those are the type of the sentences /base/

Now lets see how to wrirte : 

- read the question and try to pic out the main subject/ theme ..for example ( the pollution)- 

a- the intoduction : 

1-   to start writting your  intoduction you have to leave a space of 1cm (square on your paper) . 

2-  start writing your  introduction on wich you give a presentaion of your theme..

  a-( introduce the pollution means what  pollution  means ) .....

b-give a simple introduction by giving a simple conjugated verbs and subjects without prolonging or wasting time 

c-  try to write 2--2.5line

 ( do not forget the capital letter at the begining of your sentence, also the point at the end of it ) 

--- move to a new line without leaving a space like the first---

3-  After you finish writing your introduction you move directly to the point 

 ( in the second part you talk about (positives and negatives / danger / explanation / supporting sentences...etc...) , Depending on our subject we choose the danger of the pollution  )

a-  use the link words ..comma .. examples.. types ..elements depending your theme .

----the same note :) ....write a simple sentences without wasting time----

4- Finally , the concluding sentence ,on wich you give your advice / point of vue / results /.....etc . ( 1/2---2line) . 

****This is the way of writing a simple  paragraph in English ..franch ..arabic ..****

how to write a paragraph

                   ** I hope that you have benefited **


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