توجيهات تربوية


توجيهات تربوية
توجيهات تربوية
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توجيهات تربوية

Competitive College Club TOEFL Instruction

EducationUSA Advising Center

EducationUSA Advising Center

To ensure that the best and the brightest students in Armenia have a chance at a U.S. university, we
The CCC program is a structured preparatory program that provides promising young Armenian citizens with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully enter U.S. colleges and universities, independently, while increasing their chances of receiving financial aid. Our research has shown that there is demand for SAT and TOEFL test prep courses, CCC will increase the students' competitiveness through rigorous instruction and create a comprehensive approach to U.S. college admission, thereby increasing their likelihood of being accepted into a college or university in the U.S. with scholarships.
The high school students receive monthly classes on TOEFL and practice with the TOEFL books available at the EducationUSA Advising Center.
Location: EducationUSA Armenia
Time: 18:00
Entered By: EducationUSA Advising Center
have developed the Competitive College Club (CCC). The project is supported by American Councils, EducationUSA, and the Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy in Armenia.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله اما بعد اضغط على زر متابعة صفحتنا

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